The Spatial Inequality and Convergence of China‘s Industrial Structure Rationalization and Optimization
中文关键词: 产业结构  标准差椭圆  Dagum基尼系数  空间收敛
英文关键词: Industrial Structure  Standard Deviational Ellipse  Dagum‘s Gini Coefficient  Spatial Convergence
杨骞 山东财经大学公共管理学院 
秦文晋 山东财经大学公共管理学院 
      Research Objectives:To reveal the spatial inequality, regional disparity and convergence characteristics of the industrial structure rationalization and optimization in China. Research Methods: Using the method of spatial trends analysis and standard deviational ellipse to describe spatial inequality;using the approach of Dagum‘s Gini coefficient to reveal the regional disparity and source;using a variety of convergence test methods to conduct empirical study about the convergence. Research Findings:There are significant spatial disparities in China‘s industrial structure rationalization and optimization,the disparitiy between regions constitute the major source. Industrial structure rationalization shows a trend of β convergence, and forms club convergence. The industrial structure optimization shows σ convergence,β convergence and club convergence. Research Innovations: Spatial inequality of industrial structure is investigated by two dimensions of rationalization and optimization and spatial geographical effects are incorporated into the study of convergence. Research Value:To provide decision support for promoting the coordinated rationalization and optimization of regional industrial structure.