李博,张全红,周强,Mark Yu.中国收入贫困和多维贫困的静态与动态比较分析[J].数量经济技术经济研究,2018,(8):39-55
Static and Dynamic Comparison between Income and Multidimensional Poverty in China
中文关键词: 收入贫困  多维贫困  A-F双界限法  静态偏离  动态偏离
英文关键词: Income Poverty  Multidimensional Poverty  A-F Dual Cut-off Approach  Static Disparity  Dynamic Disparity
李博 湖北经济学院经济与环境资源学院 
张全红 湖北经济学院经济与环境资源学院 
周强 中南财经政法大学经济学院 
Mark Yu 美国塔尔顿州立大学农业与环境科学学院 
      Research Objectives:To comparatively analyze the static and dynamic disparities between income and multidimensional poverty,and to quantitative analyze of the interaction between them.Research Methods:Multidimensional Poverty Index was measured by A-F dual cut-off approach.The state transition and dynamic disparity between income and multidimensional poverty were investigated by joint probability matrix and transfer probability matrix.Research Findings:The head rate and state transition rate between income and multidimensional poverty are similar,but there are huge static and dynamic disparities between this two types of poor families.The overlap of these two types of poor families is only 17% in 2014.Among those who rose (or fell) in income dimensional,generally less than 20 percent of families also rose (or fell) in the multi-dimensional during 2010~2014.The alleviating progress of extremely poverty is very slow.Research Innovations:Based on panel data from the China Family Panel Studies (CFPS),the long-term effects of changes in family poverty could be accurately analyzed.According to the grouping of samples by family characteristics,the static disparities of the two types of poverty among families in each group were compared.The disparity analysis between the two types of poverty was extended from static to dynamic.Research Value:To provide more empirical evidence for the relevant theoretical research and to provide data support for anti-poverty.