Research on Misallocation and Its Influence on Output Loss and Income Distribution
中文关键词: 要素错配  经济增长  地区收入差距  要素份额
英文关键词: Factor Misallocation  Economic Growth  Regional Income Gap  Factor Share
杨志才 厦门大学经济学院 
柏培文 厦门大学经济学院 
      Research Objectives: To explore the economic causes of developing countries falling into the “middle income trap”.Research Methods: Based on the economic analysis of developing countries falling into the “middle income trap”,this paper carried out economic slowdown and economic growth factors analysis with 48 countries panel data samples.Research Results: Higher consumption ratio,external debt and capital over-transnational flows are not conducive to economic growth,especially for middle-income countries;the internal imbalance and external imbalance,especially the internal imbalance caused by higher consumption which led to the foreign trade deficit and external debt accumulation,is the causes of developing countries falling into the “middle income trap”.Research Innovation: Discussed the mechanism of high consumption caused “middle income trap” in developing countries and carried on empirical test.Research Value: The study is conducive to us to understand the domestic economic slowdown objectively,and to control the reasonable “degree” of domestic demand-led economic growth and capital account opening,and to avoid make mistake macroeconomic policies in the pursuit of sustained economic growth