Can Foreign Entry Deregulation Improve Capacity Utilization?
中文关键词: 外资自由化  上下游关系  产能利用率
英文关键词: Foreign Entry Deregulation,Upstream and Downstream, Capacity Utilization
杨光 南开大学经济学院南开大学中国特色社会主义经济建设协同创新中心 
孙浦阳 南开大学经济学院南开大学中国特色社会主义经济建设协同创新中心英国伯明翰大学 
      Research Objectives:To study the relationship between deregulation in upstream and capacity utilization in downstream, based on the view of linkage of upstream and downstream. Research Methods:This paper estimates capacity utilization on firm level under NBS, and measures the degree of regulation about foreign entry of 920 industries through “Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment”,and then merges upstream and downstream industries under input-output table and make empirical study. Research Findings:Foreign entry deregulation improves the capacity utilization of downstream industries, and the effect from service sector is more significant than manufacturing sector. In addition, this result is robust even we get rid of the effect of foreign entry deregulation in its own industries, or we take foreign entry deregulation in India as instrument variables. Research Innovations:We estimate capacity utilization on firm level and make empirical study on upstream deregulation and capacity utilization of the downstream industries. Research Value:Offering the explanation and evidence why open policy can improve capacity utilization of downstream industries.